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[request to foilman]Lack of big puzzles
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 314
Best Total: 33m 50s
Posted - 2007.12.11 19:40:10
Originally Posted by chairman
Thanks for the puzzles. I am trying them from hard to less hard. Somehow an archived puzzle slipped into your collection though. 6/9 equals foilman's 25th November 2006.
My apologies to Foilman. This is a mistake, I was rating several week-end puzzles from Nov-Dec 2006 to compare them in difficulty with the nines I was about to post, so I must have mismanage the strings. I just repost 6/9 with an original puzzle similar in difficulty.

Thanks to found this out so quickly. You have a good memory!
Btw, I am curious on how long it took you to solve the 2 harder ones (8/9 and 9/9)?
Last edited by Naivoj - 2007.12.11 19:41:26
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1397
Best Total: 17m 32s
Posted - 2007.12.11 21:01:28
Xses, FP, Highlander, save position. Only Stumpy's 'done it'-trick I did not use. I did not do them in one stroke. Might have used about an hour for each of them.
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 314
Best Total: 33m 50s
Posted - 2007.12.12 08:53:29
Originally Posted by chairman
Might have used about an hour for each of them.
Excellent time for those really hard puzzles, a lot faster that I can do them.

They have so many white squares leading to many highlander patterns and highlander deductions (especially 9/9), which makes me think that there is new highlander patterns to be discovered. (Edit:) For example the top left corner area of 9/9 (#265) have so many blank squares: including a box of 4 cols x 2 rows right in the corner. But when you think about it, there is only one way to set this whole corner area so there is no ambiguous square (the usual highlander argument): the nearby clue 3 square being the key element.
Last edited by Naivoj - 2007.12.13 01:31:19
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 4767
Best Total: 9m 6s
Posted - 2007.12.16 20:08:17
Originally Posted by brian
If you've liked my puzzles, I could generate a few larger ones.
I tried generating a 40x30 puzzle, but it took quite a while just for the "easy" level, and was on pace to take a week (literally) for the "hard" level. (I have just the two levels.) So I'll need to rewrite the puzzle generator. I don't have time now, but maybe sometime in January.
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